Thy Life Was Given for Me Lyrics
Lyrics: Frances Ridley Havergal Music: Philip Bliss
1 Thy Life was given for me,
Thy blood, O Lord, was shed,
That I might ransomed be,
And quickened from the dead;
Thy Life was given for me, for me;
What have I given for Thee?
2 Long years were spent for me
In weariness and woe,
That through eternity
Thy glory I might know;
Long years were spent for me, for me;
Have I spent one for Thee?
3 Thy Father’s home of light,
Thy rainbow-circled throne,
Were left for earthly night,
For wanderings sad and lone;
Yea, all was left for me, for me;
Have I left aught for Thee?
4 Thou, Lord, hast borne for me
More than my tongue can tell
Of bitterest agony,
To rescue me from hell;
Thou suff’redst all for me, for me;
What have I borne for Thee?
5 And Thou hast brought to me
Down from Thy home above
Salvation full and free,
Thy pardon and Thy love;
Great gifts, great gifts Thou broughtest me;
What have I brought to Thee?
6 Oh, let my life be given,
My years for Thee be spent;
World-fetters all be riven,
And joy with suffering blent;
Thou gav’st Thyself for me, for me,
I give myself to Thee.
Thy Life Was Given for Me Hymn Story
“Thy Life Was Given for Me” is a hymn that was composed by the famous hymn writer, Miss Frances Ridley Havergal in 1858.
On 10th January 1858, Miss Havergal was staying at the house of a German minister. Miss Havergal was resting in her host’s study when she saw a picture of our Blessed Lord on the Cross hung on the wall.
Underneath the picture were the words, “I did this for thee; what hast thou done for Me?”
After reading these words and looking at the picture, a song began to form in her mind. Today’s hymn is an alteration of the hymn that she composed that day.
Below is one verse of the original hymn:
I gave My life for thee,
My precious Blood I shed,
That thou might’st ransomed be,
And quickened from the dead,
I gave My life for thee;
What hast thou given for Me
As this song formed in her mind, she wrote the words on a piece of paper.
Initially she did not like the song and threw away the paper, crumpled into the fire. She later changed her mind and took out the singed paper from the fire. She then put the verses aside.
Later when she visited an old lady, she decided to test whether the old lady would like the words. The lady was so delighted with the words that Miss Havergal copied them out from the signed paper onto another paper.
She later showed the words to her father, Rev. William Havergal who convinced her to keep it and also added a tune known as “Baca”.
Most hymns use the words in our song today which is an alteration made by others to the song. Instead of Christ addressing us, in the newer version it is us addressing Christ.
Miss Havergal never objected to the alteration, but she preferred her original version.

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