Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Lyrics

1 Jesus, Savior, pilot me,
Over life’s tempestuous sea:
Unknown waves before me roll,
Hiding rocks and treacherous shoal;
Chart and compass come from Thee–
Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

2 As a mother stills her child,
Thou canst hush the ocean wild;
Boisterous waves obey Thy will
When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!”
Wondrous Sov’reign of the sea,
Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

3 When at last I near the shore,
And the fearful breakers roar
‘Twixt me and the peaceful rest–
Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
May I hear Thee say to me,
“Fear not– I will pilot thee!”

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Hymn Story

“Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me” is a Christian hymn that was composed by Edward Hopper. It was first published in 1871.

This song expresses the desire of all Christians to let the Lord lead or pilot their lives. Christianity calls on its adherents to submit to the authority of our Lord.

And if we let Christ pilot our boats through dangerous storms and waves, we will have nothing to fear.

We will be sleeping peacefully as Christ did when he faced a storm on the lake here on earth when he was with his disciples. While his disciple’s panicked Christ was sleeping through that storm.

Edward Hopper - Jesus, savior pilot me hymn writer
Edward Hopper

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Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Hymn Video

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Jesus savior pilot me

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