The Lord Is My Light Lyrics
1 The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night His presence is near;
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin;
This blessed persuasion the Spirit brings in.
The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song;
By day and by night He leads me along;
The Lord is my light, my joy, and my song;
By day and by night He leads me along.
2 The Lord is my light; though clods may arise,
Faith, stronger than sight, looks up to the skies
Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign:
Then how can I ever in darkness remain?
3 The Lord is my light, the Lord is my strength;
I know in His might I’ll conquer at length;
My weakness in mercy He covers with power,
And, walking by faith, He upholds me each hour.
4 The lord is my light, my all and in all;
There is in His sight no darkness at all;
He is my Redeemer, my Savior and King;
With saints and with angels His praises I sing.
The Lord Is My Light Hymn Story
“The Lord Is My Light” is a Christian hymn that was written by James L Nicholson. Nicholson was born in 1828 in Ireland and emigrated to the United States at the age of twenty-five.
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