The Coming King Lyrics
The coming King is at the door,
Who once the cross for sinners bore
But now the righteous ones alone
He comes to gather home.
At the door. At the door
At the door, yes, even at the door.
He is coming, He is coming
He is even at the door.
The signs that show his coming near,
Are fast fulfilling year by year,
And soon we’ll hail the glorious dawn
Of heaven’s eternal morn.
Look not on earth for strife to cease,
Look not below for joy and peace,
Until the Saviour comes again,
To banish death and sin.
Then in that glorious earth made new,
We’ll dwell the countless ages thro;
This mortal shall immortal be,
And time eternity.
The Coming King Hymn Story
“The Coming King” is a Christian hymn that was written by the prolific American hymn writer, Franklin E Belden.
FE Belden was born in 1858 at Battle Creek in Michigan. He was the nephew of one of the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
He wrote many songs that were initially in line with the unique doctrines of the SDA church. He later in life left the SDA church after some misunderstandings.
He was said to compose hymns as sermons were being preached. At the end of the preaching, he would sing the new song he had composed while the sermon was being preached.

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