‘Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee Lyrics
1 Lord, ’tis not that I did choose you;
that, I know, could never be,
for this heart would still refuse you
had your grace not chosen me.
You removed the sin that stained me,
cleansing me to be your own;
for this purpose you ordained me,
that I live for you alone.
2 It was grace in Christ that called me,
taught my darkened heart and mind;
else the world had yet enthralled me,
to your heav’nly glories blind.
Now I worship none above you;
for your grace alone I thirst,
knowing well that, if I love you,
you, O Father, loved me first.
3 Praise the God of all creation,
praise the Father’s boundless love.
Praise the Lamb, our expiation,
Priest and King enthroned above.
Praise the Spirit of salvation,
him by whom our spirits live.
Undivided adoration
to the great Jehovah give.
‘Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee Hymn Story
‘Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee is a hymn that was composed by Josiah Conder. Conder was born in 1789 in London.
He published several poems and hymns before his death in 1855.
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