Unto the Hills Lyrics
Author: John Campbell
1 Unto the hills around shall I lift up my longing eyes?
O whence for me shall my salvation come, from whence arise?
From God the Lord doth come my certain aid,
From God the Lord, who heaven and earth hath made.
2 He will not suffer that thy foot be moved; safe shalt Thou be.
No careless slumber shall His eyelids close, who keepeth thee.
Behold our God, the Lord, He slumbereth ne’er,
Who keepeth Israel in His holy care.
3 Jehovah is Himself thy keeper true, thy changeless shade.
Jehovah they defense on thy right hand Himself hath made.
And thee no sun by day shall ever smite,
No moon shall harm thee in the silent night.
4 From every evil shall He keep thy soul, from every sin;
Jehovah shall preserve thy going out, thy coming in.
Above thee watching, He, whom we adore.,
Shall keep thee henceforth, yea, forevermore.
Unto the Hills Hymn Story
“Unto the Hills” is a hymn that was written by John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Duke of Argyll. It is based on Psalm 121 to 123.
The first and second verse of Psalm 121 says, ” I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”
John George Henry Sutherland Campbell was born on 6th August 1845 in London. His father was the Duke of Argyll, a title he assumed on his father’s demise.
He was educated at Eton College, and Cambridge University and the National Art Training School.
He was at one point Liberal member of Parliament in the House of Commons.
He married Queen Victoria’s 4th daughter, Princess Louise.
When he reached the age of thirty-three, he was appointed Governor General of Canada. He died of pneumonia in 1914

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