Come, O My Soul, in Sacred Lays Lyrics
1 Come, O my soul, in sacred lays;
Attempt thy great Creator’s praise.
But, O what tongue can speak His fame?
What verse can reach the lofty theme?
2 Enthroned amid the radiant spheres,
We glory like a garment wears;
To form a robe of light divine,
Ten thousand suns around Him shine.
3 In all our Maker’s grand designs,
Almighty power with wisdom shines;
His works, through all this wondrous frame,
Declare the glories of His name.
4 Raised on devotion’s lofty wing,
Do thou, my soul, His glories sing;
And let His praise employ thy tongue,
Till listening worlds shall join the song.
Come, O My Soul, in Sacred Lays Hymn Story
Thomas Blacklock is the author of this hymn, Come, O My Soul, in Sacred Lays. Blacklock was born on 10th November 1721. He was an ordained minister of the gospel. He resigned because of blindness. He died in Scotland on 7th July 1791.
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