Let All the People Praise Thee Lyrics
1 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
Ye people of His choice,
Let all to whom He lendeth breath
Now in His name rejoice;
For love’s blest revelation,
For rest from condemnation,
For uttermost salvation
To Him give thanks.
Let all the people praise Thee,
Let all the people praise Thee!
Let all the people praise Thy name
Forever and forevermore,
forevermore, O Lord!
2 Oh, praise Him for His holiness,
His wisdom and His grace;
Sing praises for the precious blood
Which ransomed all our race;
In tenderness He sought us,
From depths of sin he brought us,
The way of life then taught us,
To Him, to Him give thanks. [Refrain]
3 Had I a thousand tongues to sing,
The half could ne’er be told
Of love so rich, so full and free,
Of blessings manifold;
Of grace that faileth never,
Peace flowing like a river,
From God the glorious Giver,
To Him give thanks. [Refrain]
Let All the People Praise Thee Hymn Story
Let All the People Praise Thee is a Christian song that was composed by Lelia Morris also known as Mrs. C.H. Morris. She was born in 1862 in Ohio.
She and her husband Charles H. Morris were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
She was a housewife and wrote her hymns while doing her daily chores. She later became blind at the age of 52 but continued writing hymns.

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