Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams

Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams Lyrics

1 Let us gather up the sunbeams,
Lying all around our path;
Let us keep the wheat and roses,
Casting out the thorns and chaff;
Let us find our sweetest comfort
In the blessings of today,
With a patient hand removing
All the briers from the way.

Then scatter seeds of kindness,
Then scatter seeds of kindness
Then scatter seeds of kindness,
For our reaping by and by.

2 Strange we never prize the music
Till the sweet-voiced bird is flown!
Strange that we should slight the violets
Till the lovely flow’rs are gone!
Strange that summer skies and sunshine
Never seem one half so fair
As when winter’s snowy pinions
Shake the white down in the air. [Chorus]

3 If we knew the baby fingers,
Pressed against the window pane,
Would be cold and stiff tomorrow
Never trouble us again
Would the bright eyes of our darling
Catch the frown upon our brow?
Would the prints of rosy fingers
Vex us then as they do now? [Chorus]

4 Ah! those little ice cold fingers,
How they point our mem’ries back
To the hasty words and actions
Strewn along our backward track!
How those little hands remind us,
As in snowy grace they lie,
Not to scatter thorns but roses
For our reaping by and by! [Chorus]

Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams Hymn Story

“Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams” also known as Scattering Seeds of Kindness is a hymn that was written by May Riley Smith.

The song encourages us to be kind to those around us. It says we will reap a harvest by and by if we do that.

Verse 3 says if knew that the baby fingers pressed against the window will be cold and stiff tomorrow i.e. would die, would there still be a frown on our face.

The point is, let us take every opportunity to help people while they are alive.

Mary Riley Smith was born in 1842 in New York. Her husband’s name was Albert Smith. She passed away in 1927.

May Riley Smith -Let Us Gather the Sunbeams
May Riley Smith

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Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams Hymn Video

YouTube video
Let us Gather up the Sunbeams / May Riley Smith • classic hymn

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