I Need Thee Every Hour Lyrics, Story, and Video

I Need Thee Every Hour Lyrics

1 I need Thee every hour,
Most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford.

I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, bless me now, my Savior!
I come to Thee.

2 I need Thee every hour,
Stay Thou near by;
Temptations lose their power
When Thou art nigh.

3 I need Thee every hour,
In joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.

4 I need Thee every hour,
Teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises
In me fulfill.

5 I need Thee every hour,
Most Holy One;
Oh, make me Thine indeed,
Thou blessed Son.

I Need Thee Every Hour Hymn Story

“I Need Thee Every Hour” is a hymn that was composed by Annie Sherwood Hawks and Robert Lowry. The verses were composed by Annie Sherwood and the chorus was provided by Robert Lowry. Robert Lowry also provided the music that we have come to associate with this song.

This is a song that emphasizes on our need of Jesus Christ our Savior. Just like you need oxygen to survive in the physical world, one needs the Lord through the presence of the Holy Spirit to survive spiritually.

Without the Spirit we cannot accomplish anything in this life. He is the one who changes hearts and is the one who woos people to God.

“I need thee every hour” should be the prayer of all Christians. We need to cry before the Lord for his presence in our lives.

There is simply no other way. As the bible puts it our righteousness is like filthy rags.

We need his righteousness to be put right with Christ. Without Christ we are doomed as we are all sinners who cannot do anything to earn the freely given righteousness.

Robert Lowry - I need thee every hour hymn writer
Robert Lowry

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I Need Thee Every Hour Hymn Video

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I Need Thee Every Hour with Lyrics

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