O for That Flame of Living Fire Lyrics, Story, and Video

O for That Flame of Living Fire Lyrics

1 O for that flame of living fire
Which shone so bright in saints of old;
Which bade their souls to heaven aspire,
Calm in distress, in danger bold!

2 Where is that spirit, Lord, which dwelt
In Abram’s breast, and sealed Him Thine?
Which made Paul’s heart with sorrow melt,
And glow with energy divine?

3 That spirit which from age to age
Proclaimed Thy love, and taught Thy ways?
Brightened Isaiah’s vivid page,
And breathed in David’s hallowed lays?

4 Is not Thy grace as mighty now
As when Elijah felt its power?
When glory beamed from Moses’ brow,
Or Job endured the trying hour?

5 Remember, Lord, the ancient days;
Renew Thy work, Thy grace restore;
And while to Thee our hearts we raise,
On us Thy Holy Spirit pour.

O for That Flame of Living Fire Hymn Story

“O for That Flame of Living Fire” is a hymn that was written by William Hiley Bathurst.

This song is a plea for God to send us the Holy Spirit. The song asks God to send the Spirit who inspired people of old.

The same Spirit that warmed the saints of old. The Spirit that gave them courage. We all need that Spirit in these challenging times.

The author William Hiley Bathurst was born at Clevedale near Bristol in the United Kingdom on 28th August 1796. He participated in various music works in his life.

Here retired early from the ministry after some theological differences with the church.

He retreated into private life after his retirement.

He died at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire, Nov. 25, 1877

William Hiley Bathurst - o for that flame of living fire hymn writer
William Hiley Bathurst

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O for That Flame of Living Fire Hymn Video

YouTube video
Beckton Sisters singing O for that Flame of Living Fire (SDA Hymn 264)

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