Chief of Sinners Lyrics
1 Chief of sinners though I be,
Jesus shed his blood for me,
died that I might live on high,
lives that I might never die.
As the branch is to the vine,
I am his and he is mine!
2 Oh, the height of Jesus’ love,
higher than the heav’ns above,
deeper than the depths of sea,
lasting as eternity,
love that found me— wondrous thought—
found me when I sought him not.
3 Only Jesus can impart
comfort to a wounded heart,
peace that flows from sin forgiv’n,
joy that lifts the soul to heaven,
faith and hope to walk with God
in the way that Enoch trod.
4 Chief of sinners though I be,
Christ is all in all to me;
all my wants to him are known,
all my sorrows are his own.
Safe with him in earthly strife,
I await the heavenly life.
5 Strengthen me, O gracious Lord,
by your Spirit and your Word.
When my wayward heart would stray,
keep me in the narrow way;
grace in time of need supply
while I live and when I die.
Chief of Sinners Hymn Story
“Chief of Sinners” is a hymn that was written by William McComb.
This hymn is one of my favorite hymns of all time. I like both the message and the tune. It just touches my heart in a special way and makes me emotional sometimes.
We all go through a time when we think we have strayed too far from God for him to welcome us back.
This song is saying though we are the “chief of sinners” Jesus shed his blood for us that we might live.
We are connected to him like the branch to the vine. That message is simply the most soothing message you can ever hear.
William McComb, the author of “Chief of sinners though I be” was born in Ireland in 1793. He was a sought-after poet of his time and published three collections of his poetical works.
Besides these poems he was also involved in politics as is seen by the image below when he published The Repealer Repulsed, a hostile account of Daniel O’Connell’s attempt to address supporters in Belfast as part of his campaign to repeal the Act of Union

He died in 1873.
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